I've tried to use them before but they mess up all of my other plugins that I have set for them, and I find it a pain to migrate, But I guess I...
Alright So ive had a Minecraft server for a few months now, Everything has been running smoothly and it has just been me and a few friends (who...
Alright ill try it :) That fixed it! Thanks :) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Well the Chunkster idea got rid of the errors! :) Thanks alot! But now im getting a new error when i go to shut down the server. 09:33:06 [INFO]...
@Sh8kezula I didnt exit off the server wrongly or had any sort of power failure to make it do this.. But ill try your MC Edit idea. @Banana937,...
Alright.. So yesterday everything on my server was working great! But then this morning i went to start it and everything..went down the drain...
Interval? Where would i find that? >.<" And yes i am running 1.3.0
07:57:57 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException 07:57:57 [SEVERE] at me.SHiLLySiT.LoreTime.LTimeCheck.run(LTimeCheck.java: 25) 07:57:57...
2011-08-18 16:08:02 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(ChunkProviderServer.java:65) 2011-08-18 16:08:02 [SEVERE]...
Ehh, Its kinda hard to do considering the second i turn it on all i get are those errors and by the time i select everything the history is...
Umm Hello... So im having a bit of trouble with my server. I have no idea why this SEVERE error keeps spamming on my Server. It doesn't seem to be...
Download link broken..? D:
Was stating that as in if you were trying to make it go into a different world.
http://citizens.wikia.com/wiki/Citizens_Wiki Btw, If your putting your wayports from one world to another, it wont work. Its just a bug. If not,...
Oh i didnt have those, Thanks so much!! :D
Separate names with a comma.