Is there some kind of bug that is not allowing items in-game to despawn? Or even a configuration that I'm missing? Even if you throw them on the...
Okay, that's what I was looking for. Thank you.
Works flawlessly. Thanks greatly for this plugin.
Excellent. Excellent. Only question is how do you use it? Just attack the bedrock?
Hello, I am wondering how permission inheritance through making someone an OP happens. What I mean by this is one of my friends I made an OP,...
Hello, I know a plugin for this has already been made, I just can't seem to find one that actually works. I want to destroy bedrock since a...
Hmmm. Interesting. Okie dokie. I will take a look at reinstalling WorldGuard and GM, see if I can get the error fixed since it doesn't reproduce...
Have we found out if this error is caused by anything inparticular? I just haven't seen any info on it, so sorry if it has been answered already....
I just tried to reproduce the problem I had in 2.6.0 where I couldn't recreate a warp after deletion, and it wouldn't reproduce. I think it was...
A slight issue that I was directed here about (asked about this in the general help area, they said it had something to do with my permissions...
Hey there, Just wanted to report on 2.6.0. Delete does work. Works fantastically at that. Only problem with it is once you delete a warp, you...
Thanks sir. I'll take a look at it.
Hello, I don't know if this is a known problem, if there's a fix or anything like that, but does anyone know the issue going on here? This only...
Is there possibly a way to see user suffix's in-game? Like, as the owner of the server, see the default 'King' suffix of myself? Or whatever I...
I don't know if this has been addressed or not yet, but if you delete a warp it doesn't come out of the list. Any info on that?
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