Why not use Class#getConstructor then fill in the parameters which are String.class and Object[].class?
Instead of == (use == only for enums) use .equals the reason has been said millions of times on this forums.
Why not use Bukkit#getBanList then add the player to it? ex: Bukkit.getBanList(BanList.Type.NAME or IP).addBan(target, reason, unbanDate,...
Why not use #isSet? #isSet would return the same thing as looping through the keys then comparing, or am I missing something here?
@DeFlavLemon Tried google? http://wiki.bukkit.org/Event_API_Reference#Registering_Events
Use #getClick then compare it to a right/left click using the ClickType enum.
There is no need to create a whole new event for it because they already have it implemented. InventoryClickEvent#getSlot (starts the first slot...
Yes it is possible with https://bukkit.org/threads/1-8-particleeffect-v1-7.154406/ , read the thread and maybe look up some tutorials if you still...
Pretty sure if it does not evolve the Bukkit/Spigot api it does not belong in this section.
That is not how RAM works... This is not possible.
By using packets and only sending it to the player. I have a hologram library (all you have to do is paste the following 2 classes in your...
What have you tried so far?
They open another inventory?
Well first off, size is a string and I'm 100% sure the second parameter requires an internet. Also we can guess you error without stacktrace, the...
You don't have to create a new class.
Separate names with a comma.