Thanks guys! I decided to go another route. Upon joining if that uuid matches an admin, it checks the ip list for that user.
Hey! I am currently try to implement an OnPlayerJoinEvent to allow me to become OP on my own server by getting my UUID and IP to authenticate...
@Msrules123 I use that advice wisely :P This is what I currently have in my package me.ItsJorden.ChatManager; import...
First of this usually helps a lot of people with checking the file structure of a yaml: [IMG] (Set it to do PEX and so we...
@Msrules123 It still refuses to accept an UUID as a string. @EventHandler public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) { p =...
@Koobaczech When I do that I get this error
For future errors in YAML Config's, try using the essentials yaml parser
So. Um. My problem is still not fixed. It is continuing to say that it needs another value when getting the config for the player when they first...
Here's my current code: package me.ItsJorden.ChatManager; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Map.Entry; import...
Anyone? I feel like this is dying.
@Msrules123 True. But I am not seeing errors on the JavaDoc's part nor the Console What do you think @Koobaczech
The part of (getConfig().get(p.getUniqueId())==null){ shows not applicable for UUID again UGH
Thanks very much my problem has been solved so far @Koobaczech EDIT: I still have one more bug. Everytime I stop and start back up the server the...
NewValue has nothing to reference it off of. @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd,...
Separate names with a comma.