This is way - work! But no spawn in caves. =(
Heh... I use XRay for search Slimes. But I see in single player in caves Slimes, but in bukkit server no one Slime. :'(
I have last stable release of Bukkit server build 953. I'm no have mods... no can find slime. Slimes no respawn.
I have in table 'sessions' this: id int(11) player varchar(255) chest int(11) Update: Heh... I read source code. In i found...
xAuth 2.0 beta2, MySQL, Bukkit build 900 Log of problems:
But need algorithm for extend area. I get message "Area name already exists.", "Invalid Residence". But I can't extend area. :( I know about this...
I have 2 areas (for example): residence: MineTown and areaID: main; Coordinates: 0, 0, 0 - 9, 3, 9 residence: ExtTown and areaID: main;...
Yes. I want add more space to a residence. Now I remove residence, and make new residence with more more space. :-/
How do I add or resize a number of the land to an existing residence?
I have too problem with Default group. Nu permission for build, but I set in config true! :-/
@Fritz7000: 1. ChatColour you type with little letter 'c'. 2. Color BROWN: There is no such color. Jobs start with error.
Separate names with a comma.