I think AWESOME-SAUCE and a well deserved thank you top of all previous comments... <3Bukkit<3
Please tell me what the issue is? 20.02 20:15:27 [Server] SEVEREat net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:465) 20.02...
Umm you see the log is removed as it gets longer, so thats all we have.
My server is having the following errors. Please tell me what they mean, and how I can fix them. Thanks. Please reply ASAP! 09.02 19:10:00...
Thanks, the problem turned out to be the nether.........
How do i make my trader sell a colored wool? When we put a : after the wool to specify color ID, It says its already being sold. /trader sell 35:9 20
Okay i listed the code above, and i fixed the errors I was told to fix, but why will the NPC still not take the rose at the end of the quest.
Thank you so much for the quick help, I really appreciate that there are plugin developers that actually care about what the user experiences....
A Rose for Juliana: texts: description: Would you please go over to Casa di Cortigiana and buy a rose for me? I want to propose...
Can you change the explosion strength?
Is there a way to change the explosion strength?
Okay I am getting some erorr messages. I've added some new spells, and I debugged all that I could, but when it starts Im getting 3 severe erorr...
I dont like how the machine can only mine the block next to it, how is that useful? Or do i just not know that you can?
Separate names with a comma.