Maybe u already got it to work but here is what i use: add this to the plugin.yml: if your plugin can't run without it: depend: [Vault] if your...
I used his tut chasechocolate and created the folluwing code: ScoreboardManager manager = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager(); Scoreboard board =...
amhokies i already know how to get the inventories but thats not what i asked for ... if the player clicked on the upper inventory i want to do...
amhokies sure ... the upper one ... but i want to know how do i get the inventory that the player was clicking in ... this can be the upper one...
I try to get the inventory that was clicked due to an InventoryView contains 2 inventories ... there is an: event.getInventory(); but the...
dang .... it should ... maybe someone else knows how to do this ...
just return if u dont want it to be executed ... @EventHandler public void onMap(MapInitializeEvent event) {...
sure it is ... because bukkit wants you to use the Material enums instead ... "getMaterial(id);" will still be available but if minecraft changes...
simply: Material mat = Material.getMaterial(id); Material mat = Material.getMaterial(name);
why do u want to save the inventory? what about just cancel the dropping of the items, so he would simply keep it ......
just read the bukkit wiki about events ... this is pretty simple and powerfull! ... its worth every minute u spent to it ... btw i commented my...
You dont need the whole @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) { Player player...
your plugin will NOT block any command ... your "onCommand" section will only become active if a player executes a command that belongs to your...
Hay there, I try to open an inventory but i want to change its apperance... An InvetoryView should link 2 invetories together ... and if I do...
evilmidget38 I found this: and it seems to be less difficult .. but is there any advantage to use your...
Separate names with a comma.