Hello ! My server crashes often. I searched but I didn't find. I tried but I didn't solve my problem... Can you help me please? ---- Minecraft...
Mmh... a help, maybe (for dev'): http://www.patrickmin.com/minecraft/
Mmh... In this case, It isn't possible to gather a team of encoders to do this? :)
Hello! I'm sorry, I don't know where i will could post this so I put this here ... I had an idea of software... Some player make their...
ok'ok' :)
Just a Command /co undo It's an idea, isn't it? ....
J'ai comme l'impression que c'est des Français qui ont des problèmes de sauvegardes et pour cause: I'm havinga problem withsaving a file :...
Very nice! ;) can you operate that operation with a certain item? (only gold axe for example)? Thank! ;) Ooh sorry I don't see it's already...
With Ecocreature...? 18:59:43 [SEVERE] Could not pass event EntityDeathEvent to ecoCreature org.bukkit.event.EventException at...
Mmh... I've already this problem with an else plugin... It's because you use Permissions 3x or else who don't are compatible with this plugin! Me,...
It's great ;) But... i've found an error... if a player is in a group (for a specific % of gain) and if he has the permissions...
Hello boy! I like your work but some of my plugins require Permission 3x So do you want do a build for permissions 3x, please?
Separate names with a comma.