Hi, Ive been playing with this idea and I wanted to see if i could make a dropped block move with a player but the wither skull keeps appearing?...
Skionz Thanks, but when i add a witherskull, i can see it for a split second
skull = (WitherSkull) p.getWorld().spawnEntity(p.getLocation(), EntityType.WITHER_SKULL); skull.setVelocity(new Vector(0,0,0)); Skionz It...
Oh ok, ill try that I spawn a wither skull but it blows up as soon as it spawns EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button...
I want it to be colored wool blocks
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any idea on how to make a dropped item entity float 2 blocks in the air and just bob there? I have tried...
Enchantment wrapper number?
Ok so I found out that you could save ItemStacks to a config, but there was one problem. Enchantments would not save. Is there a way to do this...
Is there an easier way to save ItemMeta to the config than making a bunch of different sections and then later setting a new itemstack?
Hello there, I don't know if this is just me but for some reason spigot is screwing me. Now i am not in any way changing the items. I am...
I've used saveDefaultConfig(); and getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig();
Hello there! I have been developing plugins for a while now and I've never really had to have a pre-made config. I was able to get the config to...
Is there a way I can create a custom world guard flag name? I want to designate a mine area with the flag "mine" so I can use it in my plugin....
Oh ok thanks so much!
maxben34 I've looked at the API and there is nothing they sugget more?
Separate names with a comma.