We have a Creative world rolling out, especially once I finish work on the plugin powering it :P, so Creative is being pushed solely to there. I...
The server has started, its been running for two weeks now. But I like to plan everything out before starting on things, and donator ranks was one...
So I am starting up a Factions server and the top donator perk I have gives you access to change your Gamemode, I have a plugin that limits...
Alright thanks, I will give that a try and see what happens. Just wish I knew what changed between 1.4.6 earlier beta builds and the R0.3 to start...
Sorry been busy with server stuff today but thats the thing, I have made sure of it and I am infact working with a Sign Block when this error...
Lol alright well thanks anyway, maybe someone will see this.
Plugins (39): Minequery, WorldEdit, NoCheatPlus, BukkitCompat, VoxelSniper, Reforestation, Buycraft, Vault, PermissionsEx, PlayerHeads,...
Any idea how to automatically recover from it? McMyAdmin only does that for Severe Exceptions for plugins and the like, this full crash doesn't...
Yea but this never happens when someone joins, people are just talking playing and then boom. Puts a downer on my server launching this weekend :/...
Alright so my plugin has been functioning just fine all the up until 1.4.6 and then something changed with one small part, that kills of a feature...
So every few hours my server will crash for really no apparent reason. I wish I could give more details but I havent the faintest clue what could...
This is what I was originally doing. Thank you! I would have never thought it was a client side bug. Now I can cite this as my reason for not...
So for now I have decided to instead of remove the sign block, just remove all the text. In the event that the plot gets reclaimed the sign would...
Would it matter if I had myself OP'ed? The only plugins on the server are Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, Multiverse-NetherPortals,...
Sorry been busy today, here is a pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/TBR4EPFD The regeneratePlot doesnt do anything to the signs, and the...
Separate names with a comma.