You don't need to say it... I know that I need to mark it Solved if it is solved. If it isn't solved, I won't set it solved. As long as the null...
Oh ok! Thanks
Hello! I have coded a warn plugin. When you warn a player, the target will get a warn message and a Warn level saved in a config. I have coded...
Oh, I forgot, thanks for reminding me!
I fixed it, I just needed to rename my package to different names and not just me.thecrazyboy; The things you said didn't help me much...
So... I need to remove the extends thing? public class PluginMain extends JavaPlugin {
So... I am coding a plugin, I made a plugin called CrazyPlugin with a few commands that I made, not much, I made the Main class and an...
It makes an infinity loop of sending empty chat messages... help me...
Something like this: Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() { public void run() {...
So... I started coding and I want to make a clearchat command, something like that. Well, how do I repeat a code on a specific amount of times?
I still don't understand how I make a GUI like this and how I add items in it...
Basically, I want to learn coding, I have learned some codes and now, I really want to know how I code a Chest Menu, like, you typing a command...
Hello! I am from norway and have started a norwegian server, and when I am translating the Essentials message file and placing in these letters:...
Separate names with a comma.