@marcram by properties you mean you enabled "hell world" ? I didn't change any properties but I can build and enter nether portals no problem. You...
I have to be honest, that sounds amazing. I have like no snow on my server. is it just for existing biomes, or is it snow in places you haven't...
in server.properties it defines the world name. it first looks for a folder with that name, if it finds it, it loads it. if it doesn't, it creates...
make sure server.properties server name matches the name of the folder of the level you downloaded your best bet would be to remove your real...
what did it used to be?
isn't it a basic command in bukkit? /whitelist username
how'd you make it a path variable the first time? If you get an error at this point, try the following to add java to your system path. Right...
I'm sorry, what? I'm thinking "can't find search way" is really "cannot find specified path" would that translation work as well?
@Chama recreate the .bat make sure java is up to date and is still a path variable make sure craftbukkit is still in the same place. Sounds like...
my admins use this http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/inactive-admn-superpowers-aka-adminmode-v0-4-fly-hover-instant-block-break-killing-670.10412/...
in your permissions config
set it to build=false and remember to /permissions -reload all
as far as I can tell with permissions in /help only works for ops you might try installing mcdocs to get additional help pages that all levels can...
try a /setspawn
Separate names with a comma.