raGan. You're welcome. Yeah, it was a typo, and now I cant figure out how to edit it...now it looks like I am 8:mad:
Oh! I havent gotten to that Level yet...Taking Advanced Math Analysis next:cool: I guess Trigonometry is after that... raGan. flaaghara Modular...
SnipsRevival Chiller xTrollxDudex Lol, what made Integrals sound like math?:confused:
iFamasssxD But I changed those values manually after I ran and restarted the server. Even when there was text it returned null.
That is what the goal is here. Some smaller servers (2-5 players) that only have 256mb of ram cant handle big plugins like essentials and if they...
Your CPU speed is probably the bottle neck. I would suggest: Running spigot Install Ubuntu (non-server version) Install another 1GB of ram from...
jacklin213 Oh thanks, maybe I can implement this too. I just want to have a plugin that can really run the server while making it very easy to set up.
No because of armor.
What do you need to do? You could cancel the death event and trigger something else because at that point they should be dead.
Oh ok, let me try it. AngryNerd It worked, but now when I call values it always returns as null... EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use...
After every reload, my config gets wiped. I cant figure it out and I know it will be something simple:mad: public void onEnable() {...
@DragonSlayer19200 You are very welcome. Do you understand what all of that means now?
megasaad44 I can do that. Illl start right now:D
Thanks, Well it might have modular commands. So if you have a plugin that handles spawns and you want to use that plugin, then just disable the...
First, check for args. Player p = (Player) sender; if (commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("test")) { if(args.length != 1){ return false;...
Separate names with a comma.