I, personally, have just started from the very beginning. I looked up Java tutorials. Went to tons of sites, asked my father who makes a living...
The_Doctor_123 True! I had forgotten about that, I've been getting lazy!
If you want to see if he is online, do this: for(Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { if(p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Name")) {...
Right here, for(int i = 0; i <= s.length; i++){ needs to be this: for(int i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ That equals sign will always return a...
Hello! This is my old account, I'm in the process of changing it all. Anyways, back to the point. I have a small plugin for testing economies....
Could someone help me? I have Ubuntu 11.10 but I run my server on Host Altitude. I use the minecraft_server.jar for 1.0.0, with Planes and Guns...
It just runs the Minecraft Custom Recipe Creator. I just made it do it by running the file.
@redsgreens I am getting an error: Minecraft Server version 1.0 In-Game (I use Host Altitude) I get this: "Err:...
I hope you enjoy the file! Just let me know when you need any other assistance!
--- Removed for being horrible. ---
How do you use this? How to you run the files? I downloaded The latest version, and I have a modded server. MineCraft # 1.7.3 Bukkit # 1000 Just...
Separate names with a comma.