Sorry about digging up an old thread but I am also looking for a method of getting rid of arrows in a player body.
So just import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer;
Hey, sorry to bother you. I get the error CraftPlayer cannot be resolved to a type. Is there a way to fix this?
Can anyone please update this plugin for me? The author has been offline for nearly a year and I really need this plugin updated I am willing to...
That's awesome, glad to know :)
AS Are you still looking for help? If you are then I can set up a sort of login script through a plugin called variable triggers and make it give...
Would I have to make a plugin request then?
I get this error: The import net.minecraft.server.v1_5_R1 cannot be resolved I said before that I don't know any of this to be honest I'm trying...
Is there an simple way to fix that?
The issue is I think it's outdated it's not the import part that's broken but the the code seems to be old such as CraftPlayer wich may no longer...
Hi, So I am actually completely new to making plugins, so I'm updating a plugin from 1.3.2 to 1.5.1 and I would like to know how to fix some of...
I got 40+ plugins whenever I try 1.4 build commands are gone, players complain about lag... could any of my plugins be doing this? I just updated...
That's disapointing
Oh, ok. I've noticed a lot of servers are upgrading to 1.4.2 and are no longer Vanilla I was thinking that you might be releasing it a bit earlier...
How much do I need to donate?
Separate names with a comma.