still not working for me..... database: username: bukkit isolation: SERIALIZABLE driver: org.sqlite.JDBC password: someweirdpassword...
hey again i'm sure i'm doing something wrong i hope some of u can help me out. first of all this is what my bukkit.yml points after. database:...
hello there. this might just be me being stupid but...... the only persistance plugin i can find is this one:...
essentails already got that cmd
dude already made.... just use like worldguard or some other anti pvp worldguard u can control it so its none pvp for 1 specfic rank
hello there i'm in a bit of a hurry so i'll make it short permissions ex is making my server crash when i combine it with chat manager i've made...
still not working for me :'(
ty my good sir :D
is this mod gonna get updated soon? i cant get it to work in cb 1317 so would be nice with an update :D i realy like the idea of this mod :D
is there gonna come a update for voxel sniper by some reason i cant use replace bruch.
damm u codisimus u just keep making usefull plugins :D keep up the goodt work dude :D
it do i've been looking for a plugin like that let me know if some one makes it :D
u dont need a plugin just use mcmyadmin. with that u man make the server auto stop or restart and make it giving messages about it when ever u...
we are talking about 2 diffrent things. i want mobs to be able to charge places when in big groups. do all they can to kill players and give them...
hello. i've been running my own rp server some time and i got a realy good idea to add some more rp content what i want is to be able to control...
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