@tg95 You can add a check for a player leave event. If so, check if they are in any areners. If they are run through all the players in the...
@M4UR0 https://bukkit.org/threads/making-an-api-then-referencing-it-in-another-plugin.138080/ This link may help.
@M4UR0 That is a very broad topic. What type of API do you have in mind?
@ProSl3nderMan Have you added a '.' between the map and game? If not then the code will be getting this. Map is "test" and game is "hello"...
@Otaku_Riisu I think the best way would be to have spawn location in the config, then use a listener to see when a player logs in or respawns.
@glasseater What is the 36 line the the ClassConstructer script?
@Edvio Well just have your array list of players and have a for loop to run through these. Then for each player in the loop give them the items...
@henderry2019 make a new method for it.
@henderry2019 have a look here. There are some examples that do exactly what you want. http://wiki.bukkit.org/Scheduler_Programming
@xXLightbulbXx is the plugin being registered on the server? Can you see a message saying your plugin has been enabled? Also are there any stack...
@tizrain Have a look through this. It will explain a bit better what a scheduled tasks is. http://wiki.bukkit.org/Scheduler_Programming
@MrDplugins try and do. lives.set(player.getName(), lives.get(player.getName() - 1); I think your problem is here.
@_zircon_ Why is the target static? That is wrong, and it also means that only one person will every be able to teleport at once. If I was you...
@tizrain Hmm, not sure that is the best use of Thread sleeps. I would recommend that you use a HashMap, and store the player unique id and the...
@TImewalkerZ The reason that this is not working is due to the fact that your are trying to see if the Player OBJECT is equal to the string,...
Separate names with a comma.