I have same issue as well on bukkit dev. Any support here?
I am looking for a plugin that has the follow features: A command to set teleports Players may set a "Home" to only 1 of the above teleports...
I am looking for a working plugin that offers the ability to set specific regions and have it save the blocks in that region and be able to...
I can't figure out how to get World Edit to read snapshots, I have the directory set up and it sees the directory but does not see any backup...
I've been searching around bukkit dev for a plugin that lets you restrict items in certain specified zones but all I could find were restricting...
I searched around but I couldn't find any plugins that allow for the regular minecraft anvil to work without requiring levels. I have found them...
I see but why wouldn't it replace the default MC description? It wouldn't make sense for it not to.
Why? I see nothing wrong with them it allows users to see the damage and if they could be altered it is even better because people know which...
Will the numbers under the name of the sword actually change or is it just a internal thing?
So will this plugin allow for the changing of the stats of items that are weapons? Such as a diamond sword change the default Damage values that...
Use a permissions plugin and don't give permissions in the worlds you don't want factions.
Hah totally missed that but hey, if someone wants to update it or when creating a new version they could look at "Illness" for ideas.
Check out this plugin it seems to do what you would like: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/illness/ Its a way of moving the topic to the top...
More Features: Any food that can be cooked can also be insta cooked Commands: /instantcooking enable [type of food] (Stays enabled until...
more perms: dgui.craftingtable dgui.enchantingtable dgui.brewingstand dgui.furnace dgui.chest dgui.dispensor dgui.hopper dgui.enderchest...
Separate names with a comma.