Yep, Download Link broken :(
Nice plugin but is there a way to disable auto message in chat ?
But the users cant use /spawn Whats wrong ? Dont working too
Can u make an Update for this Mod ? Because every time i make /blaned start test there appears in chatt "/blaned help"
I have a problem : LogBlock create databases and insert querys into the lb_player but not into lb_world Somone know why and how i can fixx it ?
Make --- [Bridge] 1 1
Iss ther a way to make the Online list the same as the chat prefix ? my name iss in chat "[Admin]Peter" and in online list only "Peter" how can i...
Hello a friend send me a world.class to change the map high On my local Server it works fine but on my Root with Linux it wont work Error:
Help ?
Wont work :( Already tried v0.2 and v1
how can i get Price of selected Area ?
How i can add that the group Default cant build ?
Help ?.?
Separate names with a comma.