Although "this" should'nt make a difference, glad you could solve it :) Mark the thread as solved, so it's locked
No, it must me Kits.kit.item or Kits.kit2.item etc. Your current code doesnt make sense, since you always fetch the same string
Perfect :) (Didn't know you need the names at all :P )
If you use your provided YML, you can't use Kits.kit.Item, you would have to use Kits.Item, which makes no sense, Use my provided YML and it...
Try to use this config.yml: Kits: - kit: - Item: bow - kit2: - Item: iron_chestplate - kit3: - Item: blaze_rod - kit4: -...
It's pretty easy. You just loop through all online players and check their score. If you found someone, save this player. After you looped,...
Did you check if your config.yml is correctly written? Check it e.g at
Should be working correctly, did you really double-checked all Parameters?
No, just do this: long value = map.get(player); if(value >=10L && value <30 L) { //Do something } Java needs an "L" behind Longs, so it will...
Why reinvent the Wheel? You could just use available Plugins like permissionsex And also, I don't understand your Question, could you try to...
Looks good, here is a proper and simple solution ;) ArrayList<Player> supporters = new ArrayList<Player>(); for(Player players :...
You must set the Scoreboard, and let the player join a team red.addPlayer(p) //same for blue, p.setScoreboard(board)
for(Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { if(p.hasPermission(staff.staff) //replace by your permisson {...
Depends on what you want. But yes, you put the Code for the Scoreboard in it sgavster
That should be it:
Separate names with a comma.