Register the EntityDamageEvent, check if they are holding the item. If so, use the setDamage method to reduce the damage.
ProMCKingz e.getAction() == Action.right_clock_block || e.getAction() == Action.right_click_air.
please mark the thread as solved so people don't open it again ;)
create a class that extends bukkitRunnable that saves the location every second. Also create a public method for it and use that in your second timer
kuraireaper particles might be a good option
for all your yml errors:
create and use a playerWrapper class?
I made a small program that will rename playerfiles. This might come in handy for renaming all those playerfiles :P. You can choose the filter...
Because I don't want to have to start all my test server by hand every time I wrote this batch script. The problem is that this script starts the...
did you register it?
TheHolySheep_NL talking about a bump :p
We need more code and indentation please ;)
Stupeflip no problem ;) You can now mark this as solved
Stupeflip my line should go in the onEnable method of your plugin, but as you seem not to be familiar with bukkit I will link you here
Separate names with a comma.