alright, sounds cool. is it configurable to add any item you want as a fuel(and time/efficiency)?
I would like to see a plugin, where you can add new fuels to furnaces, like [Item],[fueltime] in a config file. so in your case it would be...
This plugin can only ban fuels? not add?
did this result in a plugin? I'm currently looking for something like it
I'm curious to know if any devs of the more popular mods like buildcraft, industrial, equivalent exchange etc have been contacted and made aware...
set is too general as a command though. (most plugins "set" something or have a command thats like /plugins set *something else here*) setskin?...
link gives me a page saying "Could not locate object" patiently waiting :)
Hi, I cannot change skin with command on bukkit 1185 and spout 381. when I try it only gives me a usage description of the skin command, really...
I think I know what the "sticking godmode bug" is! if you log in , and are goded by default, and relog, you ADD a godmode, not toggle... so lets...
have I understood it right that this is a plugin using SuperPerms, like bPermissions and PermissionsBukkit? and it has a converter from old...
why don't you try to find something that can make this mod stand out a bit more? :) I'm sure you can think of something , but yeah I will go with...
no, I mean the clientside mod/singeplayer If I'm on the server using that client(minecraft.jar) I get a black screen, when trying to teleport to...
I have the same issue, I tried both going by aetherportal and going by /os and I get a blank screen and server says I disconnect. and I seem to...
really? I searched the forums and this was the only post it found in this thread, I blame the search function for failing me!
I second this!
Separate names with a comma.