Greetings Adamki11s, I just wonder when the recomended build for 1.7 is comming out? I have been wating a long time, i really like that plugin!!!:)) Can you also upload the version for 1.6??:) Thanks!
oh, i just notic that the download link in your thread said: unfinish! and have for some time! but i wont use 1.8! the full version comes in november so:))) thanks! good plugin!!
.Keep up the good work!If u done wwith the regios full im going to use it if my server dont freeze when i delete a region ^^ .Cause at the moment it works
Hey adam.The old feature must be back.If u can do it,it would be great.The old feature was if u created a region then the regios automatic set a welcome and a left message.I think it was welcome to region: regionname.It would be nince to see its back.Im just testing your dev version
ömmm i runned a not dedicated server to test i didnt tested it on my dedicated server tell me if u want to join and i will tell
nevermind found the commands and i need to do /world warzoneworld to play warzone battles? or can i just do /warzone social search in my normal world?
i can even create a warhub i dont know how to get in a warzone i only know /wz social search like /wz blizzard search doesnt work
i can do /warhub on the main world of Warzone Plugin and i even can't do /warhub in war zone world and i can't make war zone please post a message on my profile whit handful commands
Hey, your Regios download is 404'ing. :\ Also, wondering if you have any estimate on when the new version is coming out?
I am finished most features of Regios so I am just testing and fixing some bugs; should be released in under 48 hours.
You can have unlimited sub regions in the new on and saving and loading is now done in NBT format with is much more efficient, quicker and creates smaller files.
Can u make nexttime your plugin compatible with autosave plugin or mantrasave and with citizens plugin the save pugin is never mind but mantra would be better but the citizens is important
.When i removed essentials nothing happened.When i removed regios and uploaded essentials nothing happened.Uploaded regios its freezed out again.Please contact with essentials team i dont want to use worldedit i hate it.I dont want to remove your plugin and their plugin.
Hello! I found a bug.Lots of times my server freezed out and i checked every plugin alone on my server.Nothing happened.I only put essentials and regios plugin n my server.(ONLY).Its freezed out abaout 3 times.My server has 1,5gb ram,so its impossible to have server laggs or something.
Essentials is very buggy and I don't know a plugin it doesn't conflict with :P Maybe try and find a replacement or contact the Essentials dev.
Warzone v1.1 :)
Hello! Can u help me? I got a problem with the regios plugin. If i restart the server almost the new players lost their exeption to build and i have to give them again. The second i cant use expanddown. Whats the problem?
No nothing i have 1000 bukit 1.7.3 and regios 3.6.01 and i never used worldguard i will try to intall the jarfile again
Warzone v1.0 released! You guys will love it XD
So I need a mysql database for my server and have no idea how to set one up or use it. I want it for the plugin logblock. If i paid you $5-10 could you set one up for me or teach me how to use it?
Just a few questions I need answers to. Is it a VPS, home based or dedicated server? Do you want the database to be local or external and if you're using a Minecraft host, if so which one.
It is a dedicated host using windows server 2008 sp1 hosted on idk what you mean by local or external lol fail
Extra's is Released!
Hey...went to your website, sent you an email, you should check it out and help me out ;) by the way when i was there i checked out the banners and thats something i'm actually interested in...need one for my website and tag and clan tag* cause i shouldn't be putting my face up everywhere :) so yeah i might look into getting one with my username in there "Helpmoeny" Get back to me...
Hey man just reviewed nightlight for you : Hope you like the review as always.