Hey guys and girls :) I absolutely love Doxygen, have been using it myself for some time. Bukkit has Doxygen docs too, is it possible to...
Rudonator Did you even read my post? Janmm14 Thanks but I already did it through PacketWrapper/ProtocolLib.
Create a class that extends FallingBlock en override die()
Yeah I know that this can be annoying. I created a plugin called GrandExchange, you MIGHT find it interesting. In the plugin, players can create a...
I skipped all the tutorials, but in the end there is indeed some interesting code by codename_B (I hope I'm allowed to tag :) :)) Not what I was...
Jep exactly that, and I've also tried using 2d height-map with just a little bit of influence of 3d noise, and this gives no floating rocks (very...
Ah, finally a reply to my question! :D Yes I've tried this in many ways, also in combination with Perlin worms, but I can't seem to get nice...
I get that XD I'm asking for tricks on how to do it technically, the actual generation bit. How to mathematically define those arches or...
Arches like these: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I study mathematics and computer science at research university, and I'm know Perlin (/Simplex) noise and...
Thanks for your post Digi ! :) That was exactly what I needed, I've now got the info to continue on trying to edit potions and dyes with the same...
What do short ItemStack.getDurability() and byte ItemStack.getData().getData() have in common, and when should I use which one? What do...
I'm very sorry I don't have time to read your full post, I am sorry I meant Block.setType(Material) of course :)
Perhaps set the player as the passenger to the wolf/spider? Not sure sorry.
Thanks for noting this, I'm not sure if it's possible to use Reflection on craftbukkit but I'm going to try to change this. But it's probably, as...
Interesting find! Thank you!
Separate names with a comma.