Looks like a great tutorial to me, but I'm not able to get past the first thing of "CREATING YOUR SERVER CONFIGURATION". I'm unable to get to find...
Thank you!
You never created a config file
Hello everyone! I have a question, is there some sort of formula or something to calculate the curve of a leash? Thanks in advance, - bramhaag
Ben61441 I totally agree! But, it seems like an impossible job :(
This is going to sound stupid, but I knew it was more then 15%, but I didn't hope it was more then 15%, so I wrote down 15%, hoping that I was right
Ok, but I feel like you are a bit 'too scared' to give your opinion. Not trying to force you to give your opinion or something tho! But if you...
Lolmewn I found out yesterday that you Dutch too ;) Btw, completely off-topic but why do you support Wolvereness
timtower Indeed, country isn't important, but it's nice to see that Dutch people are also involved in the Bukkit staff.
timtower well, atleast 15% of the people are gone. Wait a sec, you are a Moderator! Congrats Tim! Nice to see that there are also some Dutch...
Everything is a giant mess right now, Bukkit AND Spigot downloads are down by a DMCA claim, new server software is created like Sponge and...
Lolmewn You are right tho. But, the recent updated plugins aren't updating for me :(
True, but the people that work at Curse can also make mistakes! It's really suspicious that the plugins are approved in less than 10 minutes, but...
ToPoEdiTs Check this https://github.com/bramhaag/HideHub/blob/master/src/me/bramhaag/hidehub/HideHub/Listeners/PopListener . This contains the...
Separate names with a comma.