can you add, that every single recipe has a permissions node smth like reciperepo.cancraft.(id) u need for crafting this?
i love you <3 got an error with spout i think.. can u fix this? :D 21:16:45 [SEVERE] Could not pass event SIGN_CHANGE to Houses...
whats with a place you can choose, where the postman starts his walk- or you do a human npc called postman :D maybe a place, where he stands if...
link it with a sign, to merk regions users can buy without an admin ! :DD
awesome guy. but can you make crafting levelbare ore buyable? maybe you can block block destructuion, too?
me ttooo!
i´ve heard about a bukkit modloader, but i cant find it in minecraft forums anymore ;D
what craftbukkit are you running? 860 generally sends errors
are you working on this plugin so far? are you going to update it?
or a config file ;D
good job- but can you make the chance to buy recipes with iconomy would be great!
holy shit :D i think one of the awesomemenemenemenemennest plugin here :D
oh yeah i saw it 5 secounds after the post i was in the wrong permisions thread
the dw link is broken-...
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