@Ramen11 What hostinf do you use? All shared hosting will provide a panel. If you host you could always just setup like Multicraft or something.
@MagmaBucket Remove EssentialsProtect
@knokko @timtower Java 8 is still used by roughly 92% of all servers (Source: https://bstats.org/global/bukkit) so for now (at least in the MC...
@timtower It is but sadly now premium. @TheEnderman Like Tim said, can use Citizens (https://github.com/CitizensDev/CitizensAPI) but, I think...
@Sw_aG Never once it doesn't work. These are inefficient, bad practices or just generally bad (readability wise, etc). Fix these, then I'll help...
You do add in a Set not put. You do put in a Map. Also, this should be in the class scopr not the onEnable method. Put it outside the method at...
There are multiple improvements which can be made to the code so I'm going to list everything. This may also solve your problem so just fix them...
You're compiling with Java 12 and running the server with Java 8
I would recommend changing your DB password and also moving that to a config.
There are chunk issues in these newer builds, performance is worse and chunk loading is much slower. It's a well-known 1.14 issue What your...
Repeating task every 10 mins, when fired then runTaskLater with 3 mins. When answered set a UUID and ignore the others. Once 3 mins is up, check...
@KarimAKL For the breaking, I'd likely just use a set with location. No need to cache the entire Block object. Also, small speed improvement,...
No idea how it gets the player, you never actually use the player variable. I guess it is used in addPlayer? If so, just loop all players and add.
Any messages? Anything in console?
@girardcome Do this private final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0#%"); // Task double generationTime = (double) time / 600 * 100;...
Separate names with a comma.