On 1.8, you had to use (ignoreCancelled = false) because right clicks with air (empty hand) were cancelled by default, but now in 1.10.2 nothing...
Basically, you "can" change your password with a simple form, just typing current password, new password and repeating the new password, but no...
Well i've read tons of posts but all seems to be deprecated i can't set the trades i want to a villager... someone help? thanks!
Nope still lost... dunno how to :(
Oh i see, so if i set an entity to 0 damage ticks every time it gets hit, you can hit it again and again with no delay correct?
Erm... i'm not talking about inventories.. i don't understand you :/ i just want to be able to hit a mob several times without invulnerability time...
When a mob takes damage gets red for a moment and you cna't damage it again for some milliseconds, is there anyway to remove or change the...
Basically the event returns right click air when i'm right clicking blocks with a flower in my hand (any flower kind), but with emtpy hands or any...
The code was posted 2 weeks ago... read the thread. That's why i'm asking for help, there must be another way for thos mobs.
As i said it works for most mobs so the problem is not my code, what i need is ANOTHER way to make spiders etc (mobs not working with navigation)...
Separate names with a comma.