Keep up the good work guys, it seems whatever you guys set your mind to ends up being gold anyway. :)
Seems like a good plan, good luck with the code cleanup :)
I love the design, honestly. 10/10 for that.
I've changed it to Player player = (Player) event.getEntity(); and guess what. You're a legend. It works. :D Thank you everyone who helped,...
Still not having it. Here's my onEnable and EntityListener just in case I've done something noobishly wrong and you can spot it: public void...
Tried that, still getting validation errors. Should I try one of these? [IMG]
Tried that, no worky. Getting validation errors on the "entityListener" part for that, no auto fixes or it either.
I've amended it to this now: public class myEntityListener implements Listener { @EventHandler public void...
I have indeed, something that just crossed my mind though, I haven't updated the actual server that's running to 1.1-R3, I don't know if that'll...
It said the code was invalid, but I had a quick search and tried this: getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); Which...
It's in my main class, doesn't seem to be triggering when I die. This is the code, compiles fine + no warnings or anything. public class...
So having: public class myPlayerListener implements Listener { @EventHandler public void onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent event)...
pm.registerEvent(Type.ENTITY_DEATH, entityListener, Priority.High, this); I'm assuming this is the listener and should work? :)
Hey there. Just started coded in java alongside the bukkit api, got a bit of experience in php (so not a total programmer noob) and I just need...
Separate names with a comma.