If they don't have rsms.setmob they shouldn't be able to change the mob type.
Disable what aspect? As in not toggle the spawning state or the ability to change the mob?
IDK about @timtower but I'd like to see it just for the sake of making sure it's safe. A plugin this simple wouldn't take that long to whip up....
You set an encryption key...
Yes, that's correct.
Options two and three sound the same. It sounds like notalking.users and notalking.bypass
Yes. Just add them to the restriction with cooldownUsers.put(player, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
Here is a way that I've been keeping a tab for cooldowns. It's actually simpler than one would think. public static HashMap<Player, Long>...
I've created a resource for cooldowns. Look for it here: https://bukkit.org/threads/cooldowns-prevent-users-from-executing-commands.472167/
If you can specify a rule just put if it doesn't start with a '/' then cancel the chat.
Just to clarify I meant you would select blocks by the type. Such as my password could be Dirt, pinkwool,lapiz,yellowwool
I always like to hear about people learning how to make their own plugins but if one already exists why not just use it. What I just thought of...
And that's where I say I'm only a hacky developer.
You have a valid point. I suppose this is still server side. I'd be afraid of running a plugin on my server that has commands hidden. Someone...
Separate names with a comma.