You're trying to use the AB, which is stated that was built for MC 1.1 with 1.2.3. See the dev builds at General...
I've unearthed a teleport bug in the current dev versions of Core/Portals. Should be fixed tomorrow.
Hmm ok, I'll give it a sharper look this weekend.
If you're still on 1.1, you should install the ghost build ;) Edit:...
Claryn segana Those instructions are not entirely correct. You are correct about the .mac files, but you need to revert the version in the...
Multiverse does not work with Permissions 3. Permissions has been dead for around 8 months, there are many converters out there. I've heard...
Sorry guys. Got late last night. You'll want to change version to 19132 (It will have been set to 19133 by the convert bug). /cc Cody...
I'll do it tonight :) PS: I totally didn't say "tomorrow" a week ago ;) But seriously. Tonight. After my run. Raven-AoD Swang Updated!...
At the office, but since you posted "I did this at my own risk" I'll forgive you and give you a hint. Bukkit did not overwrite your worlds, Just...
The dev builds are. I'm trying to get it working with Ocelots/Cats asap.
But of course! Sorry, been really busy with work and Multiverse. I'll make it happen tomorrow.
End support will be in Multiverse-NetherPortals (I know, kinda confusing that it doesn't come with core, but NetherPortals specalizes on linking...
Here's a custom enum I've written that has methods like you want:...
I'd make that check you have there a method: ... public boolean canUseEgg(PermEgg egg) { int eggID = egg.getID() if((int)...
Separate names with a comma.