Just make the HashMap static
Do you even need to get the player for this piece of code, it seems kinda useless, you're not calling the player variable anywhere. That is why...
You have the set the pitch and yaw of the players location to set the direction he's facing. Have you tried that ?
for (Player player : hashmap.getValue()){ player.teleport(location); } Something along those lines...
Is there any way of making the XP bar blue? Without having to be on the horse, perhaps using packets ?
I've figured it out, thanks anyways guys :D
I just want for the one the player shoots, i just don't know how to add the smoke on the trail i know it must be using Vector's but i cant just...
Hey bukkit how would i make when i shoot a arrow until it hits an Entity or the ground i would leave a smoke trail ?
This is the debug i made. It doesn't work event with the highest priority @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void...
The events are registered, but that one doesn't seem to work for me, im just wondering if it's me or if anyone has the same issue.
Yes, i've used AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent and PlayerPreLoginEvent even if its deprecated, does it work for you , using this event ?
So im trying to use this event(AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent) but it doesn't seem to trigger, anyone with the same issues or knows any fix ?
This is before the game starts, it's shuffling and then diving the players into 2 even teams
Hey Bukkit, i'm here having some difficulties, i'm trying to divide an HashMap of players into 2 teams(different hashmaps), i used this method...
TheE Thanks, i've tried using shuffle but i do not know how to use or list sublist, i'll try and find out, Thanks for the help :)
Separate names with a comma.