I'm going to continue looking over the craftbukkit source as well, possibly get the git for it, and change some stuff, compile it myself see if it...
Possibly a problem with craftbukkit!??!
But then why doesn't it call the event?
*slime jumps into me* -> *I get hurt* I think that's me getting hit by a slime? Is that right?
That is true... not sure what I was thinking there...... I'll see if that helps then report back. My current code is @EventHandler(priority...
OK first. The problem is NOT getting the Entity ID. I can get multiple unique entity ID's just fine :) The problem is that when the slime hits...
Well I tried to do this to see how far it got: @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST) public void...
On my end then? Perhaps it could be: Entity Damager = dEvent.getDamager(); int ID = Damager.getEntityId(); ?...
Sigh...... I was over thinking it apparently.... Thank you for your help. :) Any ideas as to why the Slime doesn't seem to fall into the...
But thats what I mean, how do I actually write a instanceof line for this? I mean if it was as simple as "if(event.getCause() instanceof Entity" I...
Thanks for the link ^_^ I changed the priority but the slime still injures me about 1 4th of the time :/ Any ideas? Could it be a different kind...
So I'm basically, looking for damage by entities, and seeing if they are in a list by their ID's and stopping them. So far, I know that slime is...
Thanks a bunch! :) So what your saying, is on load everything in the Enum should be converted to a hashmap? I did read that it can get slow...
So if I expect it could equal null I should use "==" to see if its null "!=" to see if its not null and if I don't expect it to be null, I can...
Well this works: public static String getMountName(Integer ID){ if(!ID.equals(null)){ MountInfo info =...
Separate names with a comma.