And have you checked the console for errors? I don't have a crystal ball. My best guess is that you had some problem loading the plugin in the...
"Unsupported major.minor version 51.0" means you're running the server with Java 1.6, you need 1.7 Halfway up this page is this exact same error...
Xandaros The head yaw for EntityLiving is X after entity.lookAtPoint(loc) use entity.X = entity.yaw NPCLib last I checked will NOT do this...
If the server was truly being run with 1.7 then you would not see "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0". If you still see that error and the...
randeri221 No, you're still running java v1.6. "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0" is the giveaway. If you're not sure what java version you...
I'm pretty sure to do this you need to set the pitch and/or yaw on a location then use the location to teleport the player.
Entity.getType() returns EntityType
I found this works for me: block.setType(Material.WATER); block.getState().update(); Similar to your first bit of code but get the state AFTER you...
I get the same error on 1.1-R2, but I can still no-clip just fine. (I am now on 1.1-R3)
Please link my account as well. Curse account name: FeedDante
I discovered the same bug through slightly different means: Flying; although not strictly necessary. You could just build up to the top and...
Don't know where to put what? It looks like you've added the code just fine. Just replace your current onCommand with:public boolean...
On the page you link you have AdidRain as opposed to AcidRain. (Just a minor typo)
Oppsies, gedit will only get me so far. Fixed
Separate names with a comma.