Hey, Im developing a plugin which blocks certain command block commands using protocol lib. Which packet type is it when a command block...
His code is outdated and the links are broken in his posts, so not really.. :S
Thanks not what im looking for. I believe theres a way of adding blocks to the server packet que or something which people use for massive block...
Just for the record my plugin already works and does the same job, but I need it to fill huge areas without flooding block change packets. (At the...
Hello, I'm writing a plugin similar to WorldEdit. How can I change a huge area of blocks without lagging out connected players. Thanks, Reece
Thanks but im trying to set the color of a wool block, any ideas?
Haha lovely!
Hello, How can I set the color of wool, stained glass and stained glass panes without using depreciated methods? Thanks, Reece
Not material (setType) but the material data.
Hello, How can we get/set the material data of a block or item without using depreciated methods? Thanks, Reece
I'l help, add me on skype 'buddypeanut'.
I'm really interested and an experienced java coder especially with bukkit... https://github.com/EvilPeanut btw Remember me...?
I have googled it but no-ones solution works, the jar is definitely there and is reference to the jar...
Hello, I can't get H2 to work with eclipse and its really getting annoying. Heres the error i get: Code (text): 2013-05-22 15:49:39 [SEVERE]...
Separate names with a comma.