Right now - imma trying to close my extended session in university. Develop - asm like language for minecraft. Blocks with 4-bit transmitting in...
Just trying make fast response for features with users should wait.
Only on my bed (one per player)? Awersome!
excluded: WStoneBlockListener.java:462 WStoneWorldListener.java:65 WStoneWorldListener.java:79 Any more annoying messages? Patched version...
2) I have 1 bed, that could heal me 1 hp per one sleep. For exaple one hp every day free - so cool. 1) I have 0.5 hp. I sleep on bed over 9000...
Hem... all in Russia stoping servers with SIGKILL or SIGRESET (out of power XD) Minecraft game guard. Anti cheat textures, fly, speedhack, xray etc.
I cant using this version right now, because imma too bisy for developing, and I need configuration files for max distance. Maybe later.
OMG LOL SORRY WHAT????? Offcourse not! You could store all network nodes in file. When player request chunk with deactive reciever you load all...
If here noone who could see recieve result - unload him.
Maybe, you should just add in config option "log level"? (NOTICE/WARN/ERROR) And... wow Why not? You can keep in memory only repeater block[as...
LoL... read PM... there was so much requests. I cant check with so large distances. Please add conf file. P.S still using 0.6.1
isEmpty() cant fail... Maybe something wrong with getBlock method - he returns nothing. P.S if you wanna work alone why GPL? Why not CC or Beer?
http://ge.tt/8OX52w6?c Another bugs... NVM guys, i believe in you!)
I mean maybe we need system like jenkins or sourceforge.net? Try to check it with && !isEmpty(); This method never lags.
Separate names with a comma.