I've seen a few Loot changing plugins, but i have yet to find one that supports spout-plugins, I'm using Omega Currency and want hostile mobs to...
I'm getting a directory error.
I was wondering if it was changed so swords wont repair, or is my plug ins, i get a error saying cant repair swords due to CBs sword mechanics or...
I have a question, from reading your config.yml, it seems that if you put a cause that cause applies to each loot drop not a individual loot, if...
18:43:50 [WARNING] Server permissions file permissions.yml is not valid YAML: wh ile scanning for the next token found character '\t' that...
Thats not greedy at all, if your players or you choose to form a city in a difficult zone, you should get more for surviving their. It actually...
Separate names with a comma.