Plugin category: ECON/SEC (?) Suggested name: Region Shop (or something like this) A bit about me: I'm a simple Minecraft player who is hosting...
SignMaster is dead forever ? :(
When a player joins/quits, the message works but when a player has End of Steam, it shows my quit message and not my end of steam message...
An update of this plugin for 1597 ? (cause there are new stairs and new slabs)
Plugin category: TP Suggested name: I dunno... Maybe "Portal" or something like that A bit about me: I'm just a simple Minecraft player and I am...
Oh, so, I'll give you the text in a PM later :)
A suggestion : Can you add a translation file ? (in the plugin file : messages.yml or a similar thing) It will be good, and it's because i'm...
no no, an example, when ANY player quits : &c[-] &7player &equits now, when any player joins : &a[+] &7player &ejoins
Yeah but if I want use another prefix when I join/quit (2 differents prefixs)
Can we spawn blue spiders ?
Idea : can change all before the nickname and after
Download link is broken
A support of real name (without prefix and suffix) is planned ? It's only for the leave message
Hi, Have you planned the colors (&c, &2...) support ?
Hi, The messages don't work, i've disabled the permissions but when i connect to the game, it's the same message as the normal. But, when i type...
Separate names with a comma.