Pretty sure that you triple jumping is impossible in MC
I have given the answer in this post, but not in the form of the post, so if anyone has problems with working out my answer in code, just leave a...
@JRL1004 armorstand.setArms(true); @Zombie_Striker I got it working. I realized I completely misunderstood what EulerAngles are, the x and y of...
Like I mentioned in the description of this thread, I have no problem with doing the intersection checking. The actual problem is creating the...
Hey there, I'm trying to create a custom hitbox around the sword that an Armor Stand is holding in a certain angle (The arm is set with a... This should work.
No, for this project I'm using IntelliJ, which is kind of the problem because I know how to compile in java 7 in eclipse but not on intellij
I can compile it with java 7, no problem, I'll upload asap. EDIT: I have uploaded a new file, I'm not 100% sure if it was successfully compiled...
I have finished the plugin, well it is in testing stage. I have posted the plugin on but I am awaiting approval, I will tell you...
I think you should be more clear about what your request is. Do you just want someone to make a plugin which gives you specific items on join? Or...
Well my previous post got removed which is very annoying, but I'll say it again: I am willing to write this plugin but I am currently on holiday...
Just a little update: I have almost finished the plugin, just got some problems with storing and serializing the inventories, but that's no big...
You should probably try and explain exactly what you want, because I don't think many developers know what you're asking for
I will make this plugin though I can't make any promises about a deadline
Yup you're right, I was probably testing at the wrong height :P Sorry :S
Separate names with a comma.