Thanks a lot
Hello In one of my plugins it's required to edit offline players. I have been loading offline players as Player entities, with this code: (Code...
It's also possible with older versions, I've got: That's 1.3.1, and that's before the working version of this, this code might work with 1.2.5
I'll pm it
Deleted the plugin, cleaned the project, compiled, same problem. Escortkeel, the 1st 2 lines are in the Jail's constructor, the 2nd line of code...
If by lib you mean version of craftbukkit then yes.
I get Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: nl.dvdbrander.defaults.cuboid.Cuboid.getBlocks()Ljava/util/ArrayList;, while that method does exist....
The idea is to be able to have multiple DefineCuboid classes running at the same time. What the goal of this code is is to let the player use a...
I don't know if it's possible to unregister them like this, but the jdocs say so. But, the problem with your idea is, again, that I will need to...
Hello I currently use plugin.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin); in a class, that gets created on command. In this class...
Ty tux, found that one already XD
How do I check if the item a player has in his hands is a written and signed book? I've got if...
import; gives me The import cannot be resolved I am using craftbukkit R2.
Block block = location.getBlock(); While (block.getRelative(BlockFace.down).getType().equals(Material.AIR)){ block =...
It's also possible with older versions, I've got: Location loc =...
Separate names with a comma.