Thanks! One last question i promise, is there somehow i can remove something from a players inventory within this
ohhhhhhhhh Oops :P Also mr Java expert what makes this code not work Itemstack i = p.getItemInHand(); if(a.equals(Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)...
Its telling me BlockState, Action, and Sign can't be resolved to types. Do i have to import something?
I did, i changed the the first post :D Also is there a reason your not sick and tired of me yet?
Changed the op, new question :P
Thanks to both of you for helping me out :), any idea on the first question though?
I think so this is what i have in my main file public void onEnable() { getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignEvent(), this); }
Then i tried this, and it didn't send the message :/ @EventHandler public void onBP (BlockPlaceEvent e){ Block b = e.getBlock();...
"The method getPlayer() is undefined for the Type Block"
Could you explain how, i tried a few ways but it doesn't seem to be working :/
This time i really apologize for the noobyness Im trying to write @EventHandler public void test(PlayerInteractEvent event) { Player p =...
Thank you very much, still learning to use bukkit :)
(sorry for being a noob) So say i wanted to do something like public boolean Thingy() { if ((Line of a sign) = "blabla" { return true; etc....
/ac fire doesnt do anything?
turn into items and fly off
Separate names with a comma.