I cannot seem to craft tools anymore. I can make stone bricks, pressure plates and such, just not tools. I have removed all of my plugins and...
did you happen to get entities in v.2?
I got to thinking, and i was wondering if you plan to ave Axes in your config file? Furthermore, do you think it would be possible to add a...
Awesome and awesome. You saved me a ton of work.
Increasing my skeleton's damage is exactly what I'm wanting to do! xD Don't Zombie Pigmen use gold swords, too?
I was about to do a similar plugin, myself. Would it be possible for you to remove the if-check on line 20 of your EventListener? If I'm right,...
Interesting. My spawn from death sends me back to the normal world spawn now. /spawn sets me above the spawn i set before. (it was in a cave)...
I did it before the update to 1.3, but the update didn't break it. I like my spawn point and don't want to risk anything xD
Alternate worlds seem to ignore the properties file and mobs will spawn anyway. As far as setting a respawn. I was able to use plgsetspawn to set...
to my knowledge, there is no way to exceed the height limit with building.
Interesting update, i also find it impossible to trigger pressure plates when i encounter this block-respawning bug. Can anyone else confirm?
As I said in your other thread, update your craftbukkit build to 432. I was having these exact same issues. As for the loading issue after you...
Relog doesn't help me. Only a server restart does.
You need to update your build. craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar That is a link to the most recent (stable) build. [432] That will for sure fix the...
Amen, Gandalf.
Separate names with a comma.