@MaTaMoR_ you're using it in your radius parameter.
@CollidedMoon put EventHandler annotation above ALL event methods, not just the first one.
@Signatured I would suggest using a runnable, as that may cause quite some lag.
@DaanSander returning breaks the loop AFAIK
@MordorKing78 check if the event isn't cancelled or hook into the worldguard api and check if they are in a pvp zone.
@nongman1 you aren't generating the config, use saveConfig() or saveDefaultConfig() in your onEnable.
@spiroulis how are you saving the locations in the config?
@amaranone download the JDK and build with it.
@pie_flavor Oh, well then, that was a nice reference then :p
@pie_flavor that was the right answer though...
@NicksTheBoss just a side note, you could put the "event.setFormat(format);" under the bracket of the last elseif staement and remove the other...
@EnveRuleZZ http://wiki.bukkit.org/Scheduler_Programming
@dekrosik http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15436516/get-top-10-values-in-hash-map
Separate names with a comma.