Happens all the time :P Feel free to message or tag me if you have any issues.
Nope, just was a little suggestion. Does your code not run still?
If you've already checked that it's an instance of a Snowball, there's no need to cast it to a projectile first. After your Snowball check, cast...
Cool addition to the forums. Nice tutorial.
Such amaze! Thanks for your awesome work Chase!
1 tick is around 1 twentieth of a second. the repeating loop is basically as close to a while look as you're going to find. if there was no delay,...
Just check line 53 and 63 and see what they are.
Sorry, should have known better. You can. I was taught in Java 6 and I had forgotten that implementation in Java 7
Check your console for errors. Also the server.log file. Make sure there's nothing that it caught that we couldn't see.
Take a screenshot of the sign to see if it's an issue there
Switch is only numbers, so you may need to switch some things around (no pun intended) and it may work.
BTW, to fix the caps just use: if(s.getLine(0).toUpperCase().contains("JOIN")){ That way it's not paying attention to caps and it will also...
Just a note, a while loop will prevent your plugin from doing anything else. So you may want to go with some of the scheduling options that are...
Didn't change anything. There's still a lot of lag when there are 10+ people on. (My server should be able to hold 150, so that's a big deal)...
Separate names with a comma.