Excellent, keep up the great work guys.
Edit the shop item, scroll down to the 'Server Commands' section, and add the following command (assuming you're using essentials): /eco give...
Check out http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ancient-gates-reloaded/
Try testing with a very minimal setup. For example, essentials, worldguard and your preferred choice of permissions plugin and see if the problem...
Hello, can you please provide a list of the plugins that are currently on your server. Also, do you have a plugin called 'EssentialsBuild'? If so,...
Hello, you may be suffering from this problem: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/psa-server-exploit-discovered-update-immediately/
Not sure what kind of setup you're using, but I believe Enjin offers a 'points' feature through their website plans which would satisfy your needs...
I believe kimb00p's correct. Visit the plugin page here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/emp/
You could create a custom tag for Accepted, and then add that to 'If approved ADD these tag(s) to the user' within the application settings....
Keep up the amazing work. Long live Bukkit.
Separate names with a comma.