Make a plugin that checks if the user is new, if so: teleport them to a specific place.
The spawnpoint of the original minecraft server shall put the player _always_ on the topmost block.
amount of pixels for each texture. For example, 128x128 textures are much more detailed as there can be more pixels colored than the original...
That's just the 'say' command. In linux it's easy to do a save cronjob, while in windows it will be hard/not possible to interact with consoles.
Hamachi is terrible imo :p
Configure the Permissions plugin.
Please, stop Using Capitals For Every F*cking Word. It annoys everyone. Thank you.
Some plugin is parsing the user chat for 'time' and will show that. Search for the plugin and disable it or change it's configuration?
Can you post the last 10 lines of the logfile?
bukkit is sad. You need to OP yourself first with the server console (op yournamehere)
Look inside your server logfile?
Try to revert your changes regarding spawning mobs? @mnmsyellow : If that fixed it; can you post your changes so that @Tomi Joo can use them?...
Have you tried restarting the server? Try a different port? Test with the vanilla MC server (from
Separate names with a comma.