The error you received doesn't seem to match what your plugin.yml is.. regardless, looks your plugin.yml should look like this: main:...
There's not much point in complaining about it on the Bukkit forums. They're just going along with changes Mojang has made to the way Players are...
Quantum64 you will have to update them to use player UUIDs. it shouldn't be that hard, the player name and UUID are both representable as a...
... well occasionally there are posts on other topics of the project, and it's good to check those out.
Not in the Bukkit API, but without a doubt in the "official API" whenever that comes out.
Much specific question.. so much detail contained to help us help you easier... not. You want a queue? Deque deck = new ArrayDeque();...
Location newl = p.getLocation(); newl.setYaw(0); p.teleport(newl);
I need to get better at explaining things in English. Here's some CODE! EnumSet<Material> repairable = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);...
I would load the values of the config into a EnumSet one time, and then access .contains(Material.AIR); on that set. Loop through your configured...
NoLiver92 something like that.. the 'static' modifier is very important to object oriented programming. It allows a variable to share the same...
NoLiver92 this is how I'd do it: Declare a private static INSTANCE variable inside of your main class, eg "private static Plugin INSTANCE;", then...
I'll have to go with what@The_Doctor_123 said. I found that error by eye and didn't catch what else could be wrong.. the IDE should clearly layout...
Blingdaddy1 You can see what I described for an hour (before it's automatically removed) here:
as in it's printing the usage of the command, which means it's registered but for some reason your onCommand() is not handling the commands. I...
Correct way to check what command is being used: public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {...
Separate names with a comma.