Probably should ask here as it is being developed by someone else now.
Tested jenkin build 56 but scaled zanminimap roundmap.png to the same size as yours, but map is off center from the round frame. Also water is...
Look at message 441
I also have a version based on zonedabone's that I use locally that I plan on maintaining and can post it if need his current one ever quits working.
You have an old plugin that is auto installing BukkitContrib you need to find it and remove it or update it.
Anything to do with changing texturepacks will require SpoutCraft. As the normal minecraft does not have the code to receive texturepacks.
What is wrong with zonedabones corrected version?
Guess I missed the post that minimap will now longer be added. That is tho one thing I have been waiting for to completely switch to spout....
Custom Texture, Player, Notification Which is what BukketContribEssentials did.
Thought I had changed all the names but missed one. Redownload it for corrected directory name.
/spoutctpn reload
Any plans to update this to Spout?
Now that I have finished updating my system with new gcc I can take a look at changing the name tomorrow. So what is a good name for this? Okay... In the getting started section JavaDocs Zip I am not compiling Spout myself and don't have Maven. I use...
Is it possible to get the javadocs in a download like bukkits so I don't have to be online to read them?
Separate names with a comma.