LOL can you make it so it can also use MySQL? i love my databases :rolleyes: oh Poop :) sorry nevermind just read: "Optional MySQL support."
Please update ! i have always used this, and now i want to use it again please make it vault compatible so you wont van iconomy issues again
Yep still the furnace problem here 2012-02-19 02:46:14 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.1-R4-b1938jnks (MC: 1.1)...
please add MySQL functionality people have been requesting this for ages :)
please add support for Vault next to or in place of Register Vault is the plugin for all your economy and permissions connectivity
New version please And in that new version please Soippurt Vault instead of Register Vault is better updated then Register, more and more...
Ok i installed iConomy 6 (Celty) recently and towny config says to also install Register.jar to do the inbetween plugin interfacing Is there a...
download unavailable? for separate jars and total package
Is there a way to open de data file I have a lot of failed IC's to delete and /fbic deleteic <id> is just to much work 2012-01-15 04:00:19...
help: CB 1597 (1.0.1 R1) PEX (+permissions.jar) Sign Utilities v1.8 i just added the PEX permissions bridge to my server before that i guess SU...
I am using PEX also and have the same problem (normal user being able to see logblock data, even without permission nodes): do i understand...
any news about this ? have you been able to look into this and figure out if this is cause because of falsebook 0.90?
GREAT plugin i stepped over from Perm3.1.6 just recently and already like the properties of PEX. Ease of handeling and in makeup similar as...
Great plugin, it is always nice to find and remove people who are destroying your server Could you also please add support for PermissionEx? I...
yeh that would have been the problem :oops: sorry for posting a false-positive :)
Separate names with a comma.