This reminds me of TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town)!!!! Its already done! :3
Name: BalloonPvP Commands & Permissions: - No Command (Join all the Arenas) bvp.join.* - /bvp join <Arena> (Join an <Arena>) bvp.join.<Arena> -...
Try his github page, it has downloads too (more than the actual Bukkit Dev Page) : I am not sure if it...
Please search to first, before you post something here!
If you make a minigame type server, with different server for every minigame, try the Chest Commands GUI , to warp from a server to another...
Name: Stopwatch Commands: - /sw start - /sw stop - /sw sidebar on/off - /sw countdown <Time> - Sign: 1st line: [Stopwatch] 2nd line: Start/Stop...
Name: StopWatch Commands: - /sw start - /sw stop - /sw start <Player> - /sw stop <Player> Permissions: - stopwatch.start - stopwatch.stop -...
Someone is coding for me another plugin that is almost the same with this, he started it 5 days ago, he will finish it tomorrow. With reward...
Damm man, you are coding really slow to be honest. lIKE DAMN
Name: PerWorldPlayers Commands: - /pwp set <Players> <World> - /pwp reload Permissions: - perworldplayers.set - perworldplayers.reload...
Its just a plugin, do you accept the challenge ?
Name: FakePlayers Commands: - /fakeplayers on - /fakeplayers off - /fakeplayers set <Number> Permissions: - fakeplayers.on - -...
Do whatever you want, I just need this plugin badly ;)
Name: OnjoinCommand Commands: - /onjoincmd <Command> Permissions: - onjoincmd.command - onjoincmd.bypass Desc: No command for him on join...
Separate names with a comma.